Do you have an elderly loved one who you are concerned about? Are you worried that they may not be coping with day-to-day living on their own?
Use the check-list below to help you to decide if they need some help:
- They don’t appear to be regularly washing themselves.
- There is an odor in the house when you visit. – possibly urine or feces. They may be incontinent and unable to clean up properly.
- They can’t keep up with the basic housekeeping required to maintain a sanitary environment.
- Their clothing is dirty or you notice that they are wearing the same clothes every day.
- They are losing weight, unintentionally.
- There is very little food, or improper food, in their fridge or cupboards.
- They are unable to keep appointments, due to absentmindedness.
- They are forgetful and don’t remember to take their medications, or they take the incorrect dosage.
- They say they are fine when you know they are not.
- They are calling you more frequently to ask for assistance.
If you have checked one or more of these items, we can help. Call today for a FREE in-home assessment of your loved one. Ask for some peace of mind and we will provide it.